- Everytime the Yankees go on a little run, it kinda scares me. The fact that this team has the talent to sweep through the playoffs, the mentality to miss them by 15 games, and the (dis)ability to get swept in the playoffs if they make it illustrates how difficult it must be to be Joe Torre. Only job in New York more difficult than his? Columnists for the local papers who are supposed to give their opinion on what that team is.
- Yesterday, the world lost one of my childhood heros, and one of the nicest men I have ever met, Skip Prosser. No matter how many people that guy was in the room with, he gave you the idea that he really wanted to get to know you. That he actually cared about what you were saying, and the conversations you could have at some later date. That's pretty rare with people in high status positions.
- Oh Michael Vick. Superceeding indictment. Scary term. Scary realization that they are basically asking his co-defendants to plea down and team up on Vick. They say Michael Vick is the most elusive Quarterback in NFL History. Lets see him run from the law.
- I kinda feel for David Stern. The guy does a better job managing his league than anyone else in America. Yet when everyone else is dealing with scandals challenging the honesty and intergrity of a player, hes dealing with one that rocks the integrity of his league. I read today that even though he was gambling on games he was officiating, he wasn't manipulating those games in his favor. That's funny. Thats honestly like saying that even though you need an A to pass, and you have the test before hand, you didn't look at it.
- ESPN took the time to rank all 119 division one football teams over the past decade. Its kinda funny. Over the past 10 years, I was a huge UC football fan for atleast 5 of them. And honestly, even though their record was always much better (thank you Conference USA), there were very very few years (3 at most) in which I actually think UC could have defeated UK. And yet, ESPN has UC 69 and UK 73. Not much of a difference, but still in the wrong order. Don't like how UC benefits there from playing Memphis and South Florida instead of Tennessee and Flordia.
- So I know very little about the Pan-American games, but I do know that a team of our college players lost to Uraguay and Panama, dropping us out of contention for a medal. I'm talking about basketball here. We invented the effing sport. So so sad. I'm kinda dissappointed in Jay Wrights ability to motivate the team. Kinda glad we didn't call him to lead Big Blue Nation's team of Wildcats. (yup, thats corny. That's why I said it).
- I was going to make this a whole individual post, but considering I'm on a roll right now, I'm sharing it now. After a summer spent mozying around the ball park, doing what someone else tells me to do, I have developed a well put together list of things that piss me off at GABP, and all ballparks in general really:
- When vendors in the crowd sell things, they always either cost 4 dollars, or have change in the price (2.75 if you will) in hopes that will you just tell the vendor to keep the change.
- People do not pay attention in terms of promotions. We gave out a Brandon Phillips Jersey to the first 10,000 adults and 10,000 kids. People showed up at 5:00. Thats understandable. There were people that came to the game and didn't get one. However, Wednesday night, we had Frank Robinson bobblehead night, free to the first 40,000. People showed up at 4:30. Wednesday's paid attendance? Just under 31,000. That's why they give out 40,000. So everyone gets one. I hope the dude who was there at 4:30 gets pissed when some guys sits next to him at 7:30 holding a bobblehead.
- Why does the family that brings his 5 year old kid who has to ask a question about EVERYTHING always sit to my right, while the kid my age and his dumb as rocks girlfriend who would rather be listening to an old Spice Girls CD always on my left. It makes enjoying the game a little difficult.
Now, onto the real matter at hand, the Cubs, their "great tradition", and their "great fans" who will decent on GABP tonight thinking they are rolling towards a division title. Well, my whole life I loved Lou Pinella. But I'm booing him tonight. Why? He wears the wrong C. To me, thats as bad as if he came in wearing black and gold. And atleast they won something. I dunno how much it would mean to me, but I would trade alot for a humiliating sweep of the Cubs this weekend. If I had to put a dollar amount on it, I honestly think I would pay 1000 dollars of my own money just to have the reason to mouth off for a week. Ahhh. Which reminds me, lets look into the Chicago Cubs Official Dictionary to see todays word. And the word is joke. Its a noun, meaning something everyone else laughs at, and something that makes Cubbies cry like the little girls they are. Example: Q:Did you hear Kerry Wood of the Chicago Cubs is hurt? A:No, but what else is new.
Check back tomorrow for more Cubs humor. Even Harry Carrey had to stop watching the Cubs lose. He went to heaven and became a Sox fan. Dead serious.
Make sure you read some of the Skip Prosser and Odell Thurman (Bushleague) stuff around the net. I'll hit you guys up after tonights LANDMARK victory. Effing Cubs.